Friday 16 June 2017

Palo Alto - NAT

This section describes Network Address Translation (NAT) and how to configure NAT rules and features.
Purpose of NAT
NAT was introduced to solve the problem of an organization not having enough public, globally-routable IPv4 addresses assigned to it by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) or a Regional Internet Registry. NAT translates private, non-routable IPv4 addresses to one or more globally-routable IPv4 addresses, thereby conserving an organization’s routable IP addresses.
Since its origination, the use of NAT has expanded. For example, NAT is used as a way to not disclose the real IP addresses of hosts that need access to public addresses. It is also used to manage traffic by performing port forwarding. The NAT64 option translates between IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, providing connectivity between networks using disparate IP addressing schemes, and therefore a migration path to IPv6 addressing. PAN-OS supports all of these uses.
If you use private IP addresses within your internal networks, you must use NAT to translate the private addresses to public addresses that can be routed on external networks. In PAN-OS, you create NAT policy rules that instruct the firewall which packet addresses need translation and what the translated addresses are.
NAT Rules and Security Policies
You configure a NAT rule to match a packet’s source zone and destination zone, at a minimum. In addition to zones, you can configure matching criteria based on the packet’s destination interface, source and destination address, and service. You can configure multiple NAT rules. The firewall evaluates the rules in order from the top down. Once a packet matches the criteria of a single NAT rule, the packet is not subjected to additional NAT rules. Therefore, your list of NAT rules should be in order from most specific to least specific so that packets are subjected to the most specific rule you created for them.
It is important to understand the firewall’s flow logic when it applies NAT rules and security policies so that you can determine what rules you need, based on the zones you have defined.
Upon ingress, the firewall inspects the packet and does a route lookup to determine the egress interface and zone. Then the firewall determines if the packet matches one of the NAT rules that have been defined, based on source and/or destination zone. It then evaluates and applies any security policies that match the packet based on the original (pre-NAT) source and destination addresses, but the post-NAT zones. Finally, upon egress, for a matching NAT rule, the firewall translates the source and/or destination address and port numbers.
Keep in mind that the translation of the IP address and port do not occur until the packet leaves the firewall. The NAT rules and security policies apply to the original IP address (the pre-NAT address). A NAT rule is configured based on the zone associated with a pre-NAT IP address.
Security policies differ from NAT rules because security policies examine post-NAT zones to determine whether the packet is allowed or not. Because the very nature of NAT is to modify source or destination IP addresses, which can result in modifying the packet’s outgoing interface and zone, security policies are enforced on the post-NAT zone.
Address Pools Identified as Address Objects
When configuring a NAT IP address pool, it is typical to identify it as address object. It can be a host IP address, IP address range, or IP subnet. Because both NAT rules and security policies use address objects, it is a best practice to distinguish between them by naming an address object used for NAT with a prefix, such as “NAT-name.”
Source NAT and Destination NAT
The firewall supports both source address and/or port translation and destination address and/or port translation.
Source NAT
Source NAT is typically used by internal users to access the Internet; the source address is translated and thereby kept private. There are three types of source NAT:
Dynamic IP and Port (DIPP) —Allows multiple hosts to have their source IP addresses translated to the same public IP address with different port numbers. The dynamic translation is to the next available address in the NAT address pool, which you configure as a Translated Address pool be to an IP address, range of addresses, a subnet, or a combination of these.
As an alternative to the next address in the NAT address pool, DIPP allows you to specify the address of the Interfaceitself. The advantage of specifying the interface in the NAT rule is that the NAT rule will be automatically updated to use any address subsequently acquired by the interface.
DIPP has a default NAT oversubscription rate, which is the number of times that the same translated IP address and port pair can be used concurrently. For more information, see Dynamic IP and Port NAT Oversubscription and Modify the Oversubscription Rate for DIPP NAT.
Dynamic IP —Allows the 1-to-1, dynamic translation of a source IP address only (no port number) to the next available address in the NAT address pool. By default, if the source address pool is larger than the NAT address pool and eventually all of the NAT addresses are allocated, new connections that need address translation are dropped. The default behavior can be changed by clicking Advanced (Dynamic IP/Port Fallback), which causes DIPP addresses to be used when necessary. In either event, as sessions terminate and the addresses in the pool become available, they can be allocated to translate new connections.Static IP —Allows the 1-to-1, static translation of a source IP address, but leaves the source port unchanged. A common scenario for a static IP translation is an internal server that must be available to the Internet.
Destination NAT
Destination NAT is performed on incoming packets, when the firewall translates a public destination address to a private address. Destination NAT does not use address pools or ranges. It is a 1-to-1, static translation with the option to perform port forwarding or port translation.
Static IP —Allows the 1-to-1, static translation of a destination IP address and optionally the port number.
One common use of destination NAT is to configure several NAT rules that map a single public destination address to several private destination addresses assigned to servers or services. For example:
Port Forwarding —Can translate a public destination address and port number to a private destination address, but keeps the same port number.Port Translation —Can translate a public destination address and port number to a private destination address and a different port number, thus keeping the real port number private. It is configured by entering a Translated Port on the Translated Packet tab in the NAT policy rule.
NAT Rule Capacities
The number of NAT rules allowed is based on the firewall platform. Individual rule limits are set for static, Dynamic IP (DIP), and Dynamic IP and Port (DIPP) NAT. The sum of the number of rules used for these NAT types cannot exceed the total NAT rule capacity. For DIPP, the rule limit is based on the device’s oversubscription setting (8, 4, 2, or 1) and the assumption of one translated IP address per rule. To see platform- specific NAT rule limits and translated IP address limits, use the Compare Firewalls tool.
Consider the following when working with NAT rules:
If you run out of pool resources, you cannot create more NAT rules, even if the platform’s maximum rule count has not been reached.If you consolidate NAT rules, the logging and reporting will also be consolidated. The statistics are provided per the rule, not per all of the addresses within the rule. If you need granular logging and reporting, do not combine the rules.
Dynamic IP and Port NAT Oversubscription
Dynamic IP and Port (DIPP) NAT allows you to use each translated IP address and port pair multiple times (8, 4, or 2 times) in concurrent sessions. This reusability of an IP address and port (known as oversubscription) provides scalability for customers who have too few public IP addresses. The design is based on the assumption that hosts are connecting to different destinations, therefore sessions can be uniquely identified and collisions are unlikely. The oversubscription rate in effect multiplies the original size of the address/port pool to 8, 4, or 2 times the size. For example, the default limit of 64K concurrent sessions allowed, when multiplied by an oversubscription rate of 8, results in 512K concurrent sessions allowed.
The oversubscription rates that are allowed vary based on the platform. The oversubscription rate is global; it applies to the device. This oversubscription rate is set by default and consumes memory, even if you have enough public IP addresses available to make oversubscription unnecessary. You can reduce the rate from the default setting to a lower setting or even 1 (which means no oversubscription). By configuring a reduced rate, you decrease the number of source device translations possible, but increase the DIP and DIPP NAT rule capacities. To change the default rate, see Modify the Oversubscription Rate for DIPP NAT.
If you select Platform Default, your explicit configuration of oversubscription is turned off and the default oversubscription rate for the platform applies, as shown in the table below. The Platform Default setting allows for an upgrade or downgrade of a software release.
The following table lists the default (highest) oversubscription rate for each platform.
PlatformDefault Oversubscription Rate
The firewall supports a maximum of 256 translated IP addresses per NAT rule, and each platform supports a maximum number of translated IP addresses (for all NAT rules combined). If oversubscription causes the maximum translated addresses per rule (256) to be exceeded, the firewall will automatically reduce the oversubscription ratio in an effort to have the commit succeed. However, if your NAT rules result in translations that exceed the maximum translated addresses for the platform, the commit will fail.
Dataplane NAT Memory Statistics
The show running global-ippool command displays statistics related to NAT memory consumption for a pool. The Size column displays the number of bytes of memory that the resource pool is using. The Ratio column displays the oversubscription ratio (for DIPP pools only). The lines of pool and memory statistics are explained in the following sample output:
For NAT pool statistics for a virtual system, the show running ippool command has columns indicating the memory size used per NAT rule and the oversubscription ratio used (for DIPP rules). The following is sample output for the command.
A field in the output of the show running nat-rule-ippool rule command shows the memory (bytes) used per NAT rule. The following is sample output for the command, with the memory usage for the rule encircled.

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